Monday, July 10, 2006

Myths about Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is in retrograde right now from July 4th to July 28th. Many people are espouting doomsday rhetoric. This is a time for re-directing, evaluating, and aligning any plans that you have in the works. Just think of it as a time to work with engineers to fine tune any issues that may arise. Past events, people and things will appear around this time. As per the rule it is wise to re-check any documents that are going out for the public and family. Gemini's and Gemini rising will find this a good time to get some much needed rest. Stress levels can accumulate and make even the best people go crazy.
This is a good time to meditate and visulize on your goals and the end results. Oppurtinities may appear that will never materialize again. Just because it comes in a retrograde cycle does not mean it is not good for you. A blessing is a blessing!!

Look at Star Jones!! former host of the "View " on ABC. She annouced her departure from the show before the "agreed" time Barbara Walters and ABC wanted it realeased. A furer came and the media gobbled it up. Star has since picked up a job with HDTV and with her "Star" power she will do well. Barbara Walters mentioned that her exit was not dignified . How dignified can a termination be? No loyaties are there anymore!! This is a good example of how retrograde can change a situation and bring you a different outcome. Barbara is a powerful network executive and Star Jones-Reynolds a strong minded and persistant personality. Star used her ability to be persistant and break for a new position.

Monday, July 03, 2006

The Goddesses who shape the world

With so much emphasis on the planets and our newest discovery we should do well to remember the feminine grace. The primary planets have only one planet named after a female, Venus. The seductive and creative ruler who is legendary for her amorous escapades and beauty. There are other energies that influence how the tide turns as well. It should be noted that before the Roman invaders came to dismantle other pantheons many of those societies were matriarchal. The feminine grace has long been the crowning achievement of success. Many ancient societies had the feminine mysteries grant the final feather in many coronation. Some were the mysterious cults of Ishtar, Isis, Hathor, Hectate to name a few. Listed are a few of the asteroid goddess that rule the sublime influences of the celestial psyche.

Vesta, was the goddess of the hearth and the eternal flame. Which speaks highly of the devout service of the Vestal Virgins who alone were keepers of the divine flame. Many a oracle and seer worked with them at some point. Sex becomes one of the virtues of the "divine flame" and is often misunderstood to be used for control of individuals. The Vestal virgins were keepers of many secrets to include the unique blessings of conjugal unions and the force within them. Psychic and transmutation skins were akin to their blessings. Traditionally women were the sole keepers of Vestia's attributes. In other societies men also were virgins with some becoming eunuchs and keeping many of the vital sexual and creative gifts bestowed upon humanity.

Juno, the Queen Goddess , who was omitted from the primary planetary lineup makes her appearance. She is the jeweled monarch who rules with intrepid grace, strength, power and mystery. In matriarchal societies she was the ruler with a male consort. The Roman and Greeks however placed her in a secondary position but could not dethrone her birthright. As an ultimate ruler with Zeus she rules in her own right. Patroness of midwives, wives and wedded bliss she can extend a dynasty or destroy it. She has bee maligned as a treacherous and lethal wife of an adulterous husband. What would you expect with someone betraying you constantly! She stayed in the marriage not for pedestrian reasons but to teach Tantric mysteries of oneness. Her husband Zeus derived pleasure from her but was wary of her unlimited "knowing". Thus the phrase a woman has "female intuition" came to be. She ruled with fear and to hose who did not uphold her virtues punishment was doled out. She also contains the triple goddess mysteries. The maiden, mother and crone all within her fold. One would do well to learn from her virtues.

Summer is Here!!

Summer brings sweltering heat along with great fertility and opportunity for gathering blessings. As with all seasons each has a time to bear its fruits. Summer is the great time to visualize and follow through on your goals. This is the phase of Cancer, Leo and Virgo. Caner is the warmth and fertility of Mother Nature and releases the agricultural secrets to growth and promotion. Cancer is also a sign that has rulership over Public Relations and Family relationships. Leo is a grand time for drama and anything that heightens one's own status. Financial rewards are possible during this time for any project you are working on. Virgo is the ultimate micro manager who ferrets through the pros and cons of any plan. Be wary that Mercury Retrograde starts on July 4th the day of Independence. With that in mind take the time to expect things to move forward but you may have to add something to it to make it work. I would not be married to any deadlines due to the changes changes that may occur. Prayer works and so does meditation. Imagine a basket and yourself moving in the fields of prosperity. This can be job or love related to your specific needs. Imagine picking fresh strawberries of the vine or oranges sweet to the touch. Each is sweetness and ripeness that relates to your goals. Witrh Mercury in Retrograde for July you may have to bypass some fruit or get another crop altogether. That is fine the corn you see a few yards away is perfect for your plans. It is about sustaining yourself and preparing to reach the next level.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Bounce Forward

It's time to bounce forward! Spring is still in motion and there is plenty of time to begin anew is active in this phase and lends its energy towards building and creating new methods of enhancing your life. Partnerships and travels will abound and new platonic and love relationships will surface. Be aware of this energy will affect you. Taurus and Gemini will have a powerful influence with the New Moon in late May.

Make a commitment to pick up an project and finish it.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Spring is Coming

The Spring comes in March 20th. This is the time of success. The colors of Gold, Pink, Orange and Green are heightened!! Dress with confidence and bring it on!Spring arrives March 20th !!!!!! The Spring Equinox ushers in the new fertile energies that will radiate all activities in our lives. As we open ourselves to this celestial change dust off those old plans and commit to a time !!

Mercury Retrograde Is Here!!

Yes the retrograde is here!! From March 4th to the 25th Mercury will move in backwards motion. Many will become frazzled and disoriented!! Yelling and screaming!!! Everything goes wrong to lost money and then found money!!! Hold onto everything you know. Get focused and hold tight to your dreams and realize that it can happen. This is really a period of hindsight! The time for reconstruction and revitalization is here. Many will find old dreams and secret desires manifesting themselves. Old friends and past acquaintances will appear bringing gifts of reconciliation, bonuses and surprises. Focus on your past goals and dreams. Make a list of your goals and projects. Review them and do the necessary work to fine tune them. Anything can happen at this time!! This is not just a time to sit and be quiet but to Plan, Organize, and Execute when all is done.
This retrograde Pisces is the ruling energy and all emotions and spiritual realms come to the front. Clandestine and latent ideas and circumstances materialize. Be wary of new advancements and to check them carefully. All relationships amour , platonic or family will be touched with a heightened sense of emotional integrity. Be honest. Be forthright. Be willing to listen and allow others to take off their masks. Most importantly don't be afraid to listen to your own inner river that flows in your heart. Others may not like what you have to say or emote but it must be done to clear your channels to receive your bounty. Do it with cordial and loving tones. God knows your heart and what your true destiny is . Be well and celebrate this time.

Monday, March 06, 2006

A single father and love renewed

She said she knew me but I don't recall

She said she knew my favorite drink ......Scotch with no rocks

She said she knew me I came so far and rose to the top

She said she knew me ... by my body and soul... Hmmmm

She said she knew me from the time we spent together in the Fall as we languished in each others sweat...Permeating against our souls

She said she knew that I like to swim in waterfalls against moonlight shades playing hide and seek .........

No ,she did not know me when I raised our children.. No she did not know me when I

sold the house and moved past what was when... No she did not know me when the lights were off and our family made due with camp fire stories that faded into sunrise..... No she did not know me when I went to school against the threat of unemployment... No she did not know me when despite all odds I learned to love anew.....No she did not know me when

I placed my hand in her hand with crumbling petals withering.... Since then ..

I later became a man ......... and this is now and not what was when .... I am a man and

look within and the girl that danced with me ............ This girl cannot be with a man...

She knew the boy but not the man.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Our newest planet: Sedna!!!

For some that don't know we have a new planet that has been discovered. Let's welcome Sedna. Before we discuss this new addition we should celebrate the newest Female Principle energy in the cosmic arena: Sedna! Until now the only primary planet of feminine power was Venus. Venus bestowed her favors upon us with beauty, wit, charm, the arts and the power of seduction. Also known as the evening star she glistened like a fine gemstone against the gilded neck of dusk. As the Empress of the Night, Venus provided enlightenment for all travelers and sailors through choppy and the dangerous waters of life.

Sedna is three times further away than Pluto and was discovered using the Mt Palomar facility in November by astronomers from the California Institute of Technology, Yale Observatory and the Gemini Observatory. They estimate it's temperature to be about -240 degrees Celsius(-400 Fahrenheit)
The significance of this planet being named after a Goddess is akin to the era we live in. This is the story of Sedna. As the legend goes, Sedna was a beautiful Inuit girl who lived with her father. She was very vain and thought she was too beautiful to marry just anyone. Time and time again she turned down hunters who came to her camp wishing to marry her. Finally one day her father said to her "Sedna, we have no food and we will go hungry soon. You need a husband to take care of you, so the next hunter who comes to ask your hand in marriage, you must marry him." Sedna ignored her father and kept brushing her hair as she looked at her reflection in the water.Soon her father saw another hunter approaching their camp. The man was dressed elegantly in furs and appeared to be well-to-do even though his face was hidden. Sedna's father spoke to the man. "
If you wish to seek a wife I have a beautiful daughter . She can cook and sew and I know she will make a good wife." Under great protest, Sedna was placed aboard of the hunters kayak and journeyed to her new home. Soon they arrived at an island. Sedna looked around. She could see nothing. No sod hut, no tent, just bare rocks and a cliff. The hunter stood before Sedna and as he pulled down his hood, he let out and evil laugh. Sedna's husband was not a man as she had thought but a raven in disguise. She screamed and tried to run, but the bird dragged her to a clearing on the cliff. Sedna's new home was a few tufts of animal hair and feathers strewn about on the hard, cold rock. The only food she had to eat was fish. Her husband, the raven, brought raw fish to her after a day of flying off in search of food.
Sedna was very unhappy and miserable. She cried and cried and called her father's name. Through the howling arctic winds Sedna's father could hear his daughter's cries. He felt guilty for what he had done as he knew she was sad. Sedna's father decided it was time to rescue his daughter. He loaded up his kayak and paddled for days through the frigid arctic waters to his Sedna's home. When he arrived Sedna was standing on the shore. Sedna hugged her father then quickly climbed into his kayak and paddled away. After many hours of travel Sedna turned and saw a black speck far off into the distance. She felt the fear well up inside of her for she knew the speck was her angry husband flying in search The big black raven swooped down upon the kayak bobbing on the ocean. Sedna's father took his paddle and struck at the raven but missed as the bird continued to harass them. Finally the raven swooped down near the kayak and flapped his wing upon the ocean. A vicious storm began to brew. The calm arctic ocean soon became a raging torrent tossing the tiny kayak to and fro. Sedna's father became very frightened. He grabbed Sedna and threw her over the side of the kayak into the ocean. "Here, he screamed, here is your precious wife, please do not hurt me, take her."
Sedna screamed and struggled as her body began go numb in the icy arctic waters. She swam to the kayak and reached up, her fingers grasping the side of the boat. Her father, terrified by the raging storm, thought only of himself as he grabbed the paddle and began to pound against Sedna's fingers. Sedna screamed for her father to stop but to no avail. Her frozen fingers cracked and fell into the ocean. Affected by her ghastly husbands powers, Sedna's fingers while sinking to the bottom, turned into seals. Sedna attempted again to swim and cling to her father's kayak. Again he grabbed the paddle and began beating at her hands. Again Sedna's hands, frozen by the arctic sea again cracked off. The stumps began to drift to the bottom of the sea, this time turned into the whales and other large mammals. Sedna could fight no more and began to sink herself. of her.
Sedna, tourmented and raging with anger for what had happened to her, did not perish. She became, and still is today, the goddess of the sea. Sedna's companions are the seals, and the whales that sit with her at the bottom on the ocean. Her anger and fury against man is what drums up the violent seas and storms . Hunters have a great respect for her. Legend has it that they must treat her with respect. Shaman's from the world above must swim down to her to comb her long black tangled hair. This calms Sedna down. Once this is done, she releases her mammals to allow the Inuit to eat from the bounty of the sea. It is for this reason in the north that after a hunter catches a seal he drops water into the mouth of the mammal, a gesture to thank Sedna for her kindness in allowing him to feed his family.

It is wonderful to note that she is above all a survior against all odds and was vigilant to fighting agianst the wrongdoings of women. Yemanya, a Yoruba orisa of water correlates to this story as well for the protection of women against maladies and evils of the world. This is a goddess from the Native peoples . Inuit are a people who live near the Arctic. Their homeland stretches from the northeastern tip of Russia across Alaska and northern Canada to parts of Greenland. Inuit refers to the people formerly called Eskimos. The term Eskimo comes from a Native American word that may have meant 'eater of raw meat'. They prefer the name Inuit, which means 'the people' or 'real people' and comes from a language called Inuit-Inupiaq. The singular of Inuit is Inuk, which means 'person'. These are a strong and spriritual people who rule with morality and compassion. This new planet signifies the coming of the feminine principles to balance and create harmony. This is needed to subside the turbulant actions of tyrants and despots currently in or wanting power.

Only those with spiritul maturity can approach her such a Shamans and Medicine Women to appease her anger and unrest. Muck like OLOKUN, Yoruba orisa of the bottom of the ocean she is a great mystery and treasure.

Monday, January 09, 2006

March Into the New Year!!

With the secular new year here it brings to mind resolutions. Do we make them, keep them or simply use them as coasters? The Chinese New Year will here in a few weeks. The Mayan calendar had 13 months instead of 12. Do we really need to base our plans on a policitcally constructed calendar ? The answer depends on you. Time is relative but thoughts and deeds in momentum are unstoppable. With that in mind I offer the gift of projection. Simply visualize with detailed aspects where you want to be and how you want to get there. Pick a month for it to manifest itself in. Now that is done. Whew! This is most important setting the steps in motion. Consider the time frame you are in and how long will it take. For everything there is a season! Cultivate the best aspects of the Winter, Summer, Spring and Autumn seasons. Winter is the time to draw on internal spiritual and psychic strength. Work on networking with those in the field you want to be in and make physical connections with them through parties, meetings, planning a project, anything to established the physical connection.
Image a magic carpet that defies gravity . You are moving to defy any obstacles in your way. Assess yourself and your current associates. If they are not conducive to your goals and development then release them and cultivate others. No one can bring the owo to you but through your own actions and good thoughts. Begin to wear colors that will attract positive aspects to you. Orange is success, Gold and Yellow usher in the blessings of solar and divine energy, Purple brings in royal status and the power of a monarch, and Silver to invoke balance and charm. These are just a few colors but the impact of one's actions can catapult you into a higher stratosphere.
Use sound moral and spiritual actions in your actions and thoughts.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Old Time Charms!

If anyone ever doubted the use of charms then they don't know that they actually do work, combined with will and focus. I had a example happen to me. I was trying to open the office and the keys you not open the door. I tried several times and even had some of the staff try with not success. Eventually I stood back and remembered that some doors need the right word to open them. I knocked on the door three times and said Abracadabra! The door opened to the shock of everyone. No one heard me say the magic word. Once in the next door was closed as well and the keys just would not open it. I had two staff try and no success. I said the words again and it opened. Sometimes you just have to rely on the old magic to get things done.


Metaphysics is filled with clever and wise figures and the contributions of African- Americans should not be eclipsed. Noted astronomer and mathematician Benjamin Banneker published a series of best selling almanacs, The Old Farmer's Almanac, first published in 1792. It is the oldest continually published periodical in North America.
Most people think the almanac is just a guide for agriculturaist, but many people have depended on it for its accurate weather predictions. It's farming advice is based on astrological knowledge to include lunar phases, retrogrades (backwards planetary orbits) and the seasonal equinoxes. Many are exposed to the legitimacy of astrology by Benjamin Banneker" a man of science and occult knowledge" He was also a Mason and was studied in the methodologies of occult wisdom and architecture.

Almanacs introduced the public to useful information such as clips of humor, when to plant , harvest and prune crops and when to expect inclement weather. All this in a innocuous little book that farmers used for their crops to indicate favorable and unfavorable days. Looking a bit closer one can see the true implications.
The modern English work almanac comes form hermology, which are magical calendars for each day. They can serve as a guideline to side step a less than auspicious day or to one of great fortune.