Metaphysics is filled with clever and wise figures and the contributions of African- Americans should not be eclipsed. Noted astronomer and mathematician Benjamin Banneker published a series of best selling almanacs, The Old Farmer's Almanac, first published in 1792. It is the oldest continually published periodical in North America.
Most people think the almanac is just a guide for agriculturaist, but many people have depended on it for its accurate weather predictions. It's farming advice is based on astrological knowledge to include lunar phases, retrogrades (backwards planetary orbits) and the seasonal equinoxes. Many are exposed to the legitimacy of astrology by Benjamin Banneker" a man of science and occult knowledge" He was also a Mason and was studied in the methodologies of occult wisdom and architecture.
Almanacs introduced the public to useful information such as clips of humor, when to plant , harvest and prune crops and when to expect inclement weather. All this in a innocuous little book that farmers used for their crops to indicate favorable and unfavorable days. Looking a bit closer one can see the true implications.
The modern English work almanac comes form hermology, which are magical calendars for each day. They can serve as a guideline to side step a less than auspicious day or to one of great fortune.
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