Summer brings sweltering heat along with great fertility and opportunity for gathering blessings. As with all seasons each has a time to bear its fruits. Summer is the great time to visualize and follow through on your goals. This is the phase of Cancer, Leo and Virgo. Caner is the warmth and fertility of Mother Nature and releases the agricultural secrets to growth and promotion. Cancer is also a sign that has rulership over Public Relations and Family relationships. Leo is a grand time for drama and anything that heightens one's own status. Financial rewards are possible during this time for any project you are working on. Virgo is the ultimate micro manager who ferrets through the pros and cons of any plan. Be wary that Mercury Retrograde starts on July 4th the day of Independence. With that in mind take the time to expect things to move forward but you may have to add something to it to make it work. I would not be married to any deadlines due to the changes changes that may occur. Prayer works and so does meditation. Imagine a basket and yourself moving in the fields of prosperity. This can be job or love related to your specific needs. Imagine picking fresh strawberries of the vine or oranges sweet to the touch. Each is sweetness and ripeness that relates to your goals. Witrh Mercury in Retrograde for July you may have to bypass some fruit or get another crop altogether. That is fine the corn you see a few yards away is perfect for your plans. It is about sustaining yourself and preparing to reach the next level.
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