With so much emphasis on the planets and our newest discovery we should do well to remember the feminine grace. The primary planets have only one planet named after a female, Venus. The seductive and creative ruler who is legendary for her amorous escapades and beauty. There are other energies that influence how the tide turns as well. It should be noted that before the Roman invaders came to dismantle other pantheons many of those societies were matriarchal. The feminine grace has long been the crowning achievement of success. Many ancient societies had the feminine mysteries grant the final feather in many coronation. Some were the mysterious cults of Ishtar, Isis, Hathor, Hectate to name a few. Listed are a few of the asteroid goddess that rule the sublime influences of the celestial psyche.
Vesta, was the goddess of the hearth and the eternal flame. Which speaks highly of the devout service of the Vestal Virgins who alone were keepers of the divine flame. Many a oracle and seer worked with them at some point. Sex becomes one of the virtues of the "divine flame" and is often misunderstood to be used for control of individuals. The Vestal virgins were keepers of many secrets to include the unique blessings of conjugal unions and the force within them. Psychic and transmutation skins were akin to their blessings. Traditionally women were the sole keepers of Vestia's attributes. In other societies men also were virgins with some becoming eunuchs and keeping many of the vital sexual and creative gifts bestowed upon humanity.
Juno, the Queen Goddess , who was omitted from the primary planetary lineup makes her appearance. She is the jeweled monarch who rules with intrepid grace, strength, power and mystery. In matriarchal societies she was the ruler with a male consort. The Roman and Greeks however placed her in a secondary position but could not dethrone her birthright. As an ultimate ruler with Zeus she rules in her own right. Patroness of midwives, wives and wedded bliss she can extend a dynasty or destroy it. She has bee maligned as a treacherous and lethal wife of an adulterous husband. What would you expect with someone betraying you constantly! She stayed in the marriage not for pedestrian reasons but to teach Tantric mysteries of oneness. Her husband Zeus derived pleasure from her but was wary of her unlimited "knowing". Thus the phrase a woman has "female intuition" came to be. She ruled with fear and to hose who did not uphold her virtues punishment was doled out. She also contains the triple goddess mysteries. The maiden, mother and crone all within her fold. One would do well to learn from her virtues.
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