Mercury is in retrograde right now from July 4th to July 28th. Many people are espouting doomsday rhetoric. This is a time for re-directing, evaluating, and aligning any plans that you have in the works. Just think of it as a time to work with engineers to fine tune any issues that may arise. Past events, people and things will appear around this time. As per the rule it is wise to re-check any documents that are going out for the public and family. Gemini's and Gemini rising will find this a good time to get some much needed rest. Stress levels can accumulate and make even the best people go crazy.
This is a good time to meditate and visulize on your goals and the end results. Oppurtinities may appear that will never materialize again. Just because it comes in a retrograde cycle does not mean it is not good for you. A blessing is a blessing!!
Look at Star Jones!! former host of the "View " on ABC. She annouced her departure from the show before the "agreed" time Barbara Walters and ABC wanted it realeased. A furer came and the media gobbled it up. Star has since picked up a job with HDTV and with her "Star" power she will do well. Barbara Walters mentioned that her exit was not dignified . How dignified can a termination be? No loyaties are there anymore!! This is a good example of how retrograde can change a situation and bring you a different outcome. Barbara is a powerful network executive and Star Jones-Reynolds a strong minded and persistant personality. Star used her ability to be persistant and break for a new position.