The Watch Towers are the stronghold that hold the cosmos together. Each direction has one. The North Watch Tower is identified with the astrologically sign Taurus. The North has the following characteristics:
1. Season- Winter
2. Element- Earth
3. Angel- Uriel
Creatures associated with the north would be wood nymphs, nature spirits, dwarves, gnomes,fauns, Minotaur, Elks, Stags, Bears and Centaurs. With Taurus as the ruling energy of the Watch Tower of the North it highlights the dormant potential for greatness and sprirituality. Bears hibernate in the Fall and Winter months. It would appear that they are not active but are working in the outer planes of existence such as the ethereal and astral planes. The Winter has the distinction of harboring a powerful mix of Earth and Cosmic energy. It is always creating and working even in the midst of apparent inactivity.
With the Watch Tower of the North one can barely asses the true potential of it's influence. The esoteric influence of this tower is titled as the Magus of the Eternal. Eternal wisdom and an inner hearing to learn all truths. The color associated is red-orange and falls in the 5th Key. Mundane imagery would be the Pope, on who sits atop the throne of his majesty. This is really a position for one of great occult knowledge. This is the place of legacy and great magic. Hidden and lost treasures are in this tower.
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