Wednesday, November 16, 2005


I do not count my blessings as they are so many.

God saw fit to wash my body in the waters of greatness. I can only compose ......................................
myself to accecpt these gifts and give justice to my Lord.

Some say that to the spoils go the victor....Yes the spoils may come but at what price .

The charriot marches in and the banners are riding on the coat tails of the wind.

On lookers arch their protruded backs to catch a glimpse ....faded memories are

eclipsed and wane into their former stagnate selves...

To the victor goes the spoils....To the one who is faithful to the Lord the heavens are abound in their glory.



Prae said...

A very profound statement..... Time to write that book....

Alexander said...

ASE!!! It is time to publish the book and write Nigga's need to KNow!! -CHapter one -Play pussy and get fucked!!! with intro by janet!!!