I was given an opportunity to attend Brittany Spears- Circus Tour at Madison Square Garden. I am not a fan of Brittany but I do like some of her songs, especially “Slave for you”. Before I move onto Brittany let me tell you about the opening acts.
Opening acts are like a crap shoot. When they bomb they stink up the place. Kristina De Barge , yes the daughter of James DeBarge , who was Janet Jackson’s first husband strolled onto the three ring stages with comfort and belted out a melodic anthology to the crowd. Young, Eager and Talented she kept the De Barge name intact. She has a solid foundation to a lasting career, as she was infectious and charming without sending you into a diabetic coma.
Next up was One Act a quartet of four young men who started out singing accapella to prove that yes they could sing. The “Minnie Vanilli” debacle has somehow cursed all acts to prove that yes they can carry a tune. It was decent but not mind blowing. When they stopped pontificating and broke out into crisp choreography intertwined with high energy then they sold their act. Visually the only drawback was the retro 80’s style military jackets an odd throw back to The Back Street Boys. If we wanted to see retreads then we have You Tube to watch their videos. Sometimes less is more and a simple yet cohesive visual style would benefit this group to push their true potential.
The last act was Jordan Sparks whose album has been certified gold and has the most recognizable hits. She was surrounded by back up singers who fought to carry the show. It is undeniable that she has a voice but her stage presence was often overwhelmed by her cadre at times often eclipsing her. Only when she belted out the diva signature improvisation did she resurface. Her set was the longest and at times became long running. She sang a rendition of Shannon’s “Let the Music Play” which barely had enough wattage to light the stage. She did reclaim herself when singing her hits and the audience knew every word singing in unison with her.
Twenty minutes later The Circus opened with comedic clowns, dancing little people, twirling ballerina’s, flying trapeze artists and a plethora of dancers. The effect was in short well crafted with a circular screen for everyone not to miss the fireworks. A highlight of the show was the gymnast in the chair who bounced in the air effortlessly with her partner. It made you forget that she rolled onstage in a wheelchair with only the upper half of her body. Bravo Brittany!!!
Say what you will and many have Brittany has studied how to entertain and she opened with her hit “Circus”. As the ringleader in her Circus she leads you through a visual fantasy of Eastern and Western Mysteries pumping adrenalin through her talented and funky dancers. Not to be outdone she hung in there and twisted her nubile body in the air with barely a kiss lifted by a chair made from two male dancers bodies intertwined. Brittany understands that a show is to draw you in and want to become part of it.
Brittany leads her flock to dance swathed in Hindu adorned regalia and dance they did. The spotlight was on and when she wanted your eyes on her they were. If you are wondering who came to see the former Disney girl gone World Star the garden was planted with adults, children from six years and up, parents, multiple ethnicities and starry eyed fans. Say what you Brittany will has created an image and intends to continue her reign as long as she wishes. It’s nice to know that she took time out to become a mother and a person. She has indeed taken some time to smell the roses and get a little piece of life of her own away from The Circus.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Construction of an ICON
Michael Jackson, a small town boy from Gary, Indiana along with his brothers and sisters took a journey to become one of the most prolific families in the global world. His journey was no more unique than other large families with multiple children with the exception of insightful talent and divine timing. The Jackson family made its foray into the world of entertainment under the guise of providing relief from the daily grind for family and friends to venturing out to the streets particularly the Motown streets. Motown Records under the creation and executive management of Berry Gordy had cleverly laid the foundation for pop music infusing melodic stirrings of Rhythm and Blues to the infectious call and response of Gospel which reached inside your gut to demand a response whether it was toe tapping or head bobbing. Berry Gordy had ability for fishing out talent with a desire to achieve and surrounded himself with talented lyricist and musicians to construct his musical empire circumventing the oppression of racism and segregation many ethnic artist were shackled with. Motown boast the regal court of Ashford and Simpson, The Supremes, Gladys Knight and the Pips, Commodores, Marvin Gaye, Martha Reeves, along with a plethora of other countless luminaries.
Many myths sprouted up on who first discovered the Jackson Five from powerhouse singer Gladys Knight to the effervescent and glamorous Diana Ross. No one can claim this honor but Katherine and Joe Jackson the parents of the Jackson clan. Along with fame comes the sacrifice of the simple pleasures of privacy. The Jackson family could have had all the talent in the world but without a solid and unwavering work ethic they would have been another footnote. Each sibling was talented in their own right but what made them special was their commitment to one another. Michael Jackson pulled his oldest sister Rebbie out of obscurity with a hit song he composed entitled, “Centipede” to which Rebbie performed with a feline grace and seductive moves. You can’t help wondering that they must have had some fun in the studio together. Michael also created “Scream “with his baby sister Janet who had already achieved several career milestones but when these two came together it was an infusion of gigantic talent. Michael ‘s artistic generosity was also shared with Diana Ross when he penned “ Muscles” a seductive disco fringed tune to which Diana known as “The Boss” sang with unrestrained pleasure sweating from her mahogany bronzed skin. Michael’s longtime partnership with Diana Ross led them to “ease on down the road” in The Wiz, a funky, soulful adaptation of Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz. Michael starred in the film as the winsome and agile scarecrow. The Wiz was ground breaking as an all African- American cast on Broadway starring a then unknown Stephanie Mills whose vocals seared the cushion off the seats and had patrons applauding till their hands became sore. Michael’s animated dancing and artistic flair with his side kicks the crows in the film is officially documented as one of the funkiest pieces of choreography in cinema.
One of his most prolific artistic donations to the world was “We Are the World” he co wrote with former Commodore member Lionel Ritchie who had just won multiple American Music Awards that night. Under the solidarity of philanthropy and humanity the heavens opened up that night and several of the world’s top celebrated artist came together to sing this song to contribute to the end of world hunger and suffering. A previous song “Do They Know it’s Christmas “was released primarily by several successful European artist to address the world famine problem as well.
Notably the song was only a tether to the experience of the creation of this project. Artist came in “checked their ego at the door” to lay the track down in one night and shoot the video at the same time. Music videos have become full film productions with budgets in excess of millions and to comprehend the magnitude of this cannot be understated. Under the gifted and technical prowness of Quincy Jones the project pulled in new artist at the time from Sheila E. known for the “The Glamorous Life” who was nominated for Best New Artist and performance to seasoned and timeless legends like Ray Charles, Tina Turner, rock legend Bruce Springsteen to musical maestro Al Jarreau. The song and album was a global success and generated millions of dollars that went towards aid with humanitarian and performer Bob Geldof heading the effort to distribute the much needed resources.
Now that Michael Jackson has passed away from cardiac arrest the true impact is just now being felt. Michael Jackson’s artistry moves as an undercurrent morphing into a rip tide. Michael Jackson ripped apart music records and stereotypes with the release of “Thriller” the best selling global media release by a single artist. That record alone brought not only different ethnicities together but generations as well. How interesting that multiple generations of children and adults would dance and swell with joy over one artist! Michael Jackson demonstrated again that music can heal and bring people together. Michael was given the gift of expression among his many other gifts and was able to transform pain, joy, isolation, betrayal, sadness and hope into a medium that would hold up against racism, classicism to build bridges in the world one continent at a time. At times Michael‘s visage was simple in a world of hidden agendas and larcenous individuals but his message remained consistent in that he loved the children of the world. The children of the world also included those between the ages of one to one hundred. Like most icons while they are being constructed they are people first with human flaws and challenges. It is through living that icons are born and cemented not in their deeds alone but in the inheritance they leave to the living beings.
Michael like everyone else has had strained relationships with his siblings and parents. Some years are good and some are challenges. Michael Jackson did leave behind three children to which he shared a part of himself that is a mystery to many. Now that he has passed a deluge of therapist, social workers, clinicians and pseudo psychiatrist have offered their assessments. Based on observed behaviors of Michael Jackson from him showing his infant baby on the balcony terrace to having his children shrouded in veils many have come to conclusions on his stability as a parent. Common assessments espoused have been Axis II disorders of Narcissistic and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality disorder and the primary clinical disorder as depression. There have been speculations of a prescription addiction brought on by an accident he had during the filming of a Pepsi commercial in which he suffered burns to his scalp. It would be reasonable to be prescribed medication for a head trauma and is not farfetched as some may assume. Michael Jackson’s love for children would only naturally lead him to having his own family.
Michael Jackson was also brought up on child molestation and abuse charges to which he was exonerated from twice. Michael’s monument to childhood and innocence were captured in his Never Land Ranch which was not open to the public but he created for children to enjoy in his company. There will always be speculation as to his personal relationships with the many children that came but fundamentally they have not been proven. This of course had to have had an adverse affect on him driving him further into isolation as a form of protection from avaricious opportunist and the intruding media looking for more.
With the physical death of Michael Jackson we are left with the dissemination of his estate. Some will hope to gain financial awards while others hope to receive a memento of his accomplishments from Grammy’s to World Music Awards. The most fortunate and blessed will cherish and build upon his love which permeated from his music to continue to inspire one to go past what is expected and touch one soul at a time.
Michael Jackson was a poetic child who grew into an artistic, soulful man with a curtailed childhood to become an Icon who left behind a legacy of music, incredible dancing, philanthropy and fashion. In his early death at fifty on the verge of a final sold out world wide tour he was transformed into an enigma who like any great artist left you wanting more.
Many myths sprouted up on who first discovered the Jackson Five from powerhouse singer Gladys Knight to the effervescent and glamorous Diana Ross. No one can claim this honor but Katherine and Joe Jackson the parents of the Jackson clan. Along with fame comes the sacrifice of the simple pleasures of privacy. The Jackson family could have had all the talent in the world but without a solid and unwavering work ethic they would have been another footnote. Each sibling was talented in their own right but what made them special was their commitment to one another. Michael Jackson pulled his oldest sister Rebbie out of obscurity with a hit song he composed entitled, “Centipede” to which Rebbie performed with a feline grace and seductive moves. You can’t help wondering that they must have had some fun in the studio together. Michael also created “Scream “with his baby sister Janet who had already achieved several career milestones but when these two came together it was an infusion of gigantic talent. Michael ‘s artistic generosity was also shared with Diana Ross when he penned “ Muscles” a seductive disco fringed tune to which Diana known as “The Boss” sang with unrestrained pleasure sweating from her mahogany bronzed skin. Michael’s longtime partnership with Diana Ross led them to “ease on down the road” in The Wiz, a funky, soulful adaptation of Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz. Michael starred in the film as the winsome and agile scarecrow. The Wiz was ground breaking as an all African- American cast on Broadway starring a then unknown Stephanie Mills whose vocals seared the cushion off the seats and had patrons applauding till their hands became sore. Michael’s animated dancing and artistic flair with his side kicks the crows in the film is officially documented as one of the funkiest pieces of choreography in cinema.
One of his most prolific artistic donations to the world was “We Are the World” he co wrote with former Commodore member Lionel Ritchie who had just won multiple American Music Awards that night. Under the solidarity of philanthropy and humanity the heavens opened up that night and several of the world’s top celebrated artist came together to sing this song to contribute to the end of world hunger and suffering. A previous song “Do They Know it’s Christmas “was released primarily by several successful European artist to address the world famine problem as well.
Notably the song was only a tether to the experience of the creation of this project. Artist came in “checked their ego at the door” to lay the track down in one night and shoot the video at the same time. Music videos have become full film productions with budgets in excess of millions and to comprehend the magnitude of this cannot be understated. Under the gifted and technical prowness of Quincy Jones the project pulled in new artist at the time from Sheila E. known for the “The Glamorous Life” who was nominated for Best New Artist and performance to seasoned and timeless legends like Ray Charles, Tina Turner, rock legend Bruce Springsteen to musical maestro Al Jarreau. The song and album was a global success and generated millions of dollars that went towards aid with humanitarian and performer Bob Geldof heading the effort to distribute the much needed resources.
Now that Michael Jackson has passed away from cardiac arrest the true impact is just now being felt. Michael Jackson’s artistry moves as an undercurrent morphing into a rip tide. Michael Jackson ripped apart music records and stereotypes with the release of “Thriller” the best selling global media release by a single artist. That record alone brought not only different ethnicities together but generations as well. How interesting that multiple generations of children and adults would dance and swell with joy over one artist! Michael Jackson demonstrated again that music can heal and bring people together. Michael was given the gift of expression among his many other gifts and was able to transform pain, joy, isolation, betrayal, sadness and hope into a medium that would hold up against racism, classicism to build bridges in the world one continent at a time. At times Michael‘s visage was simple in a world of hidden agendas and larcenous individuals but his message remained consistent in that he loved the children of the world. The children of the world also included those between the ages of one to one hundred. Like most icons while they are being constructed they are people first with human flaws and challenges. It is through living that icons are born and cemented not in their deeds alone but in the inheritance they leave to the living beings.
Michael like everyone else has had strained relationships with his siblings and parents. Some years are good and some are challenges. Michael Jackson did leave behind three children to which he shared a part of himself that is a mystery to many. Now that he has passed a deluge of therapist, social workers, clinicians and pseudo psychiatrist have offered their assessments. Based on observed behaviors of Michael Jackson from him showing his infant baby on the balcony terrace to having his children shrouded in veils many have come to conclusions on his stability as a parent. Common assessments espoused have been Axis II disorders of Narcissistic and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality disorder and the primary clinical disorder as depression. There have been speculations of a prescription addiction brought on by an accident he had during the filming of a Pepsi commercial in which he suffered burns to his scalp. It would be reasonable to be prescribed medication for a head trauma and is not farfetched as some may assume. Michael Jackson’s love for children would only naturally lead him to having his own family.
Michael Jackson was also brought up on child molestation and abuse charges to which he was exonerated from twice. Michael’s monument to childhood and innocence were captured in his Never Land Ranch which was not open to the public but he created for children to enjoy in his company. There will always be speculation as to his personal relationships with the many children that came but fundamentally they have not been proven. This of course had to have had an adverse affect on him driving him further into isolation as a form of protection from avaricious opportunist and the intruding media looking for more.
With the physical death of Michael Jackson we are left with the dissemination of his estate. Some will hope to gain financial awards while others hope to receive a memento of his accomplishments from Grammy’s to World Music Awards. The most fortunate and blessed will cherish and build upon his love which permeated from his music to continue to inspire one to go past what is expected and touch one soul at a time.
Michael Jackson was a poetic child who grew into an artistic, soulful man with a curtailed childhood to become an Icon who left behind a legacy of music, incredible dancing, philanthropy and fashion. In his early death at fifty on the verge of a final sold out world wide tour he was transformed into an enigma who like any great artist left you wanting more.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Autumn Equinox and it's Origin of Mystery

It had occured to me that I have not even discussed the Fall season so I have placed a short exert from a book I have written. This just gives a cursory overview of the mythological and folklore history behind. As I post this the astrological sun is in Pisces with the moon Virgo. Virgo compels one to give service so how fitting that I am providing this today.
During this time in our history the world is finally facing a univeral halt to asses their actions. Charlatans are being exposed for theft of money and trust placed in them. The Bankning and Finance Industry are now only publiclly being held to scrutiney but other areas of business including non profit are also being challanged to work with a code of humility, ethics and morality.Please feel free to comment.
The psychological and spiritual influences of the Autumn Equinox reverberate primarily on the inner levels of the conscious and unconsciousness. The classic myth of Demeter, the goddess of Fertility and Agriculture among other rites, holds the secrets to life and death on a material level. Specifically Demeter dealt with agriculture and the cycles of the organic life on the mundane level but spiritual evolution on the esoteric level. Foremost is the gender in which this is housed in. Female as Demeter is the mother, Persephone is the Maiden, and Diana or Hecate, according to some traditions is the Crone. Others insist that Demeter became the Crone while she mourned for her daughter. As an immortal disease was not absorbed but doled out arbitrarily as the deity punished or rewarded as the occasion or sacrifice demanded. When Demeter mourned for her daughter’s kidnapping depression was birthed in the spiritual plane and transmitted to the material plane. IN general a loss of sunlight, vegetation, lack of resources, inclement weather were all personifications of a "spiritual mourning" bleeding into terra firma. Demeter transferred her pain to the mortals and they suffered physically and overtly. I in short mortals became the conduit for divine sufferings. The pantheon of deities suffered at the neglect of temple rites and offerings. Mortals were more concerned with survival than appeasing the gods. Pluto had stolen Persephone and taken her to the Underworld. This was known as the rape of Peraphone. Pluto wanted a wife and found Persephone beguiling. The only witnesses to the abduction were Zeus and Hermes. Demeter mourned and stagnation wreaked havoc upon all life infecting the Gods themselves. There is a myth that Demeter appealed to all Demi-Gods and Gods alike to find her daughter. No one could find her. Shrouded in mystery and fear many dared not to tread to the Underworld. Those who had crossed the River Styx owed their allegiance to Pluto/Hades, the owner of the Underworld. Hecate, one of the Crones and Goddess of Magic and the Moon, located Persephone by using her psychic faculties of seering. She was also the ruler of witches, those with advanced spiritual and psychic talents, and thus enacted her psychic gifts to peer past the veil to the underworld. Once this information, from the Goddess of Witches, Magic and the Moon became intuited with Demeter, the Goddess of Fertility, Transformation and Wheat, then she demanded her daughter's return from Hades/Pluto. Pluto/Hades did not relent and Demeter continued to let death and stagnation permeate the Earth and Cosmos. Zeus, the King of the Gods and owner of the Thunderbolt, could not permit this to continue and sent Hermes/Mercury, the God of Thieves, Communication and Mirth, to send an official proclamation to Hades to return Persephone to her mother. Hades conceded to his brother, Zeus King of the Gods, urgent proclamation to stop suffering and lack of prayers and offerings being sent to the Gods. Hades/Pluto did not independently depend on the prayers or offerings sent to him as the other deities because his realm of Death/Transformation was part of the natural hierarchy, which allowed him to maintain an aloof stance with the other Gods and their respect if not begrudgingly. Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, was in the classic tradition "raped" by Hades/Pluto. This changed her and during the dormant period with Hades/Pluto his power over Death was transferred to her. She gained insight and access into the shadow realms to include the psychic ablities, neacomacy, magic, she unwillingly was taken underground against her will tricked by a beautiful flower that the earth held she had never seen. As soon as she reached for the flower that grew in darkness the ground opened up and Pluto carried her down into his palace of Hades. She was a victim of deception and illusions. The Underworld is the owner of illusions and mystery and Pluto was the master of that realm. She was despondent and wished to return but Pluto would not allow that. Pluto seduced her with mystery and illusion against her vibrant psyche. Her sadness was eventually assuaged by Pluto desire for a mate and she felt compassion for his sadness and empathy for his lonely palace. Pluto shared his love and lust with Persephone who was a virgin maiden and she was birthed as the dark flower, giving her the title of the Dark Queen of the Underworld, She exercised her rulership over this realm and could see the true nature of beings and their desires. Nothing was masked to her anymore. The girl goddess had ascended to a Queen with a puissant gaze and mastery over the shadow realms and Death. She had come to see the beauty in death as transformation to evolve to another existence. This was something only she shared with Pluto and the other Gods did not have. When the news came that Hermes had opened a path for her to return to the Light she became excited and ran towards it to become reborn yet again.
Honor the Winter and Prepare for Spring

I know it has been more than a while since I have been here. What can I say I have been traveling and and have some items to add. Spring will be here March 20th the Spring Eqinox. Many of us are contemplating changes that could come in the form of a new job, new home, new family members just anything new. Now is also the time to clean out the debris left from winter and celebrate our accomplishments from the wonderful season of Winter. Take the time to honor yourself and your ancestors.
Light a white candle and say a prayer for them. Nothing was more soothing and comforting than those of us who were lucky to have parents read to us and encourage us. Your ancestors can hear your kind words and it does reach them. In this season let us rejoice for our family. Yes these are difficult times but every season has its beauty.
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