Elemental Wizdom
Monday, November 09, 2020
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Time for Living and Fashion
The time for living is now. The time for living is for the brave of heart and strong of will. The time for living is for those who are willing to sacrifice. Fashion is about living.
Friday, December 09, 2011
Walde Tandia - Co-Editor Makes Changes by Keeping the Computer Resource Room Open for Extended Hours

I want to say thank you for the student body for electing my as their new Co-editor of the newsletter on the Manhattan campus. I would like to hear from students and the community. In order for us to do better we must be better. Let us begin by sending in articles on your concerns. I want to help our community. I will be in the computer room on Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays to keep it open for longer for us. You asked for it and I am here on those days to keep the compter room open longer.
As the Co-editor of the newsletter this year I really need your help and want to support you. Let's work together and support one another. We can start by everybody submitting articles on how we can improve our community and share the good things as well. If you need help let me know I will be available in the computer room at the above listed times. Let's have a better year and make the best out of it.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Winter Approaches Are you Ready?

Winter is approaching and one must be aware of the internal changes required from the universe and ourselves. The Winter Solstice is a time of growth and internal blossoming. We must strive to access our potential and feed the spirit within us. Take some time to fertilize your imagination and grow with projects that contribute to the environment. The image I created above is imagination and conjures the blessings of internal change and introspection.
Begin with a winter cleaning of your home and work space to facilitate positive and full bounty. What crops will you plant in the winter. Yes you can still plant and serve humanity and spirituality. Consider yoga and mediation to determine where you might want to let your mind and spirit wander. Let your mind unfold and it will direct you to the places of needed growth. Be mindful to dress your house with plants and warm earth colors if you suffer from depression. Placing your hand in soil will enrich not only your environment but your inner peace as well.
Many people feel disconnected at this time but now it is more important than ever to seal up any areas of debits. By debits I mean areas in which there is no return on efforts. The Winter is a powerful time for psychic turmoil to take over or create a psychic upheaval to move away debris that is toxic. This time of crisp and clean air frigid with clarity demands our attention and reverence. Apply the same principles within your own life, work, play and love.
Love , Amour, Attraction take key positions in the Winter as the focus is to become integrated with the paradigm of all virtues. It is more challenging to be giving when the resources are scarce. It is more challenging to be loving when people become isolated within themselves. We must open our self up to the notion that we can create our own source of light and inspiration. The Winter is a glorious and beautiful avatar that creates some of the most prolific and durable works. In this time the fragility of nature is addressed and the moderation of power is paramount. We learn that power can be overwhelming when the frequency is placed too high. The frigid Iceland winds can tear across the landscapes stripping the breath from creatures and plowing down trees. The winds can also brush treasures to one's attention and learn the arcane secretes of agriculture in the Winter.
Let us all be mindful of our words and deeds during this time and not implode on sanguine generosity but genuine efforts that heal the world. Are you ready to cultivate your harvest and distinguish between the realms of reality. The winter can be an oasis of wonder or the frigid hand of death. Let us recognize the beauty in both. The shadow lands beckon some to get lost in winter landscapes of forgotten dreams and regrets of days past. Do not linger there. Acknowledge the limitations set forth and blend your creativity and critical thoughts to constructing edifices of grand cohesion. The mind, body and spirit are indomitable!
Be well and carry forth your dreams with constructive realities. Now is the time to create from within an then build communities of hope, power and inspiration celestially.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Hospitality at Dean Communityu Garden

Nestled in the heart of historic Crow Hill section of New York, Brooklynites were giving praise and honor to their own artists and recreational horticulturalists. The
gates were open welcoming those who shared a love of community, hearth, history and old fashion friendship. The Dean Community Garden has been a center piece of sisterhood and brotherhood supporting a diverse community of religions, cultures, languages and ethnicities all with a hearty embrace and smiling faces. This annual celebration featured open showcases of neighborhood visual artist, musicians and craftsman.
Warm and inviting, you were treated to complimentary food that drenched the palate with invigorating slices of watermelon, refreshing gourmet cinnamon basil tea, plucked straight from the community garden, with succulent grilled chicken and corn on the cob. Hospitality like this is not just a southern tradition but debunks the stereotype that Northerners in Brooklyn can roll out the bountiful hospitality and gracious embrace that the south is known for. At this event there were no gaudy balloons of random colors shifting in the air, just the simple effervescence that makes one feel at home in the big city. Walking past the gates into the garden you were asked with the gentility of neighbors to sign the guest book and partake of their prosperous garden.
Despite the angry and unrelenting heat of this summer, city inhabitants with record breaking 90 degree plus weather , the garden was basking in floral glory. I would be remiss if I did not take a tour of this oasis smiling in between the historic brownstones that have been standing since the late 19th century. Some of these homes have been restored to their original glory while others take on a more contemporary façade.
Kiana Love brought such pride and commitment in showing me her garden plot. With a great affinity for herbs she led me to the lavender bordered by the stalwart trees. Not to be outdone, she shared her prized cinnamon basil plant which upon a cursory glance appeared familiar and shifted into a perfumed talisman. This cinnamon basil is not common and as you pluck its leaf the botanical oils from it exploded with a pungent and delicious cinnamon scent as the leaf turn a slight red in your hand.
She also expressed the diversity of culture when sharing that her organization Wild Women celebrates their sisterhood in the garden with gatherings for women to empower, honor, and explore the feminine strength of resilience and creativity. Open to all, Wild Women integrates metaphysical principles with the influence of the female hierarchy honoring earth based sensibilities of Gaia (Earth Mother) and attuning themselves to the natural rhythm of nature.
Tie dyed shirts were sprawled across the table almost challenging the rainbow to take notice from Tiffany. She designs and manufactures tie dyed fabrics in shirts of all sizes and color. Exuberant and engaging, she works with children and remains dedicated to opening their pathways for expression through the Arts and expression. Tiffany’s infectious smile and passion for her art brought a natural charm to this event.
Framed with unique and well thought out precision was photographer Chris A. Kelsaw whose passion for architecture stood out. Her presentation of four, framed pieces connected to a large window frame brought out the depth of her vision. One image was taken in a defunct prison and her use of light and vision took you past the wire gates beyond to experience a trance effect.
Adorning a table with earrings featured the designs of Kendall using the intricate micro beads to flush the color from your skin to rest upon your nape. Lustrous copper earrings , brilliant green and gold leaf sets to crotched sets of orange and gold she set the tone for individuality. These pieces could easily flow from work to playful banter.
Kendall also exhibited her vocal talents with the Ashe Initiate, a performance group who sang with ancestral reverence and passionate voices. It was clear that some forethought went into their performance by the response from those who attended the event.
Another neighbor, Greg gave the journey of how he became a resident. Sharing the lore of Crow Hill, an area of Brooklyn in which affluent African Americans moved to during the period of segregation. It has since changed along with the decade to include other ethnicities and is experiencing another renaissance period.
Greg has planted squash in his garden along with basil and even added lavender as well. Greg pointed out the compost heap, which attests to communal commitment to reuse this in the soil and replenish the land. There is a chicken coop as well with hens and a rooster roaming the garden. This may be Brooklyn but Nature is alive and well here. Greg and the other neighbors showed their pride in keeping the neighborhood thriving and fighting to keep its individual personality standing firm.
If you are looking for charm, history, unique building interiors and a neighborhood that shares values and commitment they still exist. You just have to take a walk and stroll into the valley of Brooklyn to find it. Home is where you make it to be and these residents have taken that to heart.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Welcome and Enjoy Mercury Retrograde

Yes Yes Yes Mercury retrograde has begun again. Take a deep breath and then laugh. The joy of changes coupled with the meeting of past friends makes for a wonderful and interesting time. Any talents that you have will resurfact to the top and may inspire you to continue with past projects.
The many masks that we wear will be put to the test during this period. You may find yourself changing masks and roles. Enjoy the task and learn from what comes forth.
Monday, April 05, 2010
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